cdp: {'source': 'network', 'level': 'error', 'text': 'Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 401 (Authentication failed)', 'timestamp': 1718955463567.355, 'url': '', 'networkRequestId': '10419.12'} error: Scrollbar test exception: TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'appendChild') warning: failed to poll tuned {"problem":"disconnected","name":"null","message":"Server has closed the connection.","toString":""} warning: failed to poll tuned {"problem":"disconnected","name":"null","message":"Server has closed the connection.","toString":""} log: listInactiveInterfaces action for path /org/libvirt/QEMU/interface/52_3a54_3a00_3a12_3a34_3a56 XML error: Invalid value for attribute 'speed' in element 'link': '-1'. Expected integer value log: listInactiveInterfaces action for path /org/libvirt/QEMU/interface/52_3a54_3a01_3a00_3a00_3a01 XML error: Invalid value for attribute 'speed' in element 'link': '-1'. Expected integer value log: listInactiveInterfaces action for path /org/libvirt/QEMU/interface/52_3a54_3a00_3a12_3a34_3a56 XML error: Invalid value for attribute 'speed' in element 'link': '-1'. Expected integer value log: listInactiveInterfaces action for path /org/libvirt/QEMU/interface/52_3a54_3a01_3a00_3a00_3a01 XML error: Invalid value for attribute 'speed' in element 'link': '-1'. Expected integer value error: spawn 'vm creation' returned error: "{"problem":null,"exit_status":1,"exit_signal":null,"message":"Traceback (most recent call last):\n File \"\", line 371, in \n File \"\", line 272, in create_vm\n File \"/usr/lib64/python3.6/\", line 81, in __enter__\n return next(self.gen)\n File \"\", line 250, in prepare_virt_install_params\n File \"\", line 59, in prepare_graphics_params\n File \"/usr/lib64/python3.6/\", line 423, in run\n with Popen(*popenargs, **kwargs) as process:\nTypeError: __init__() got an unexpected keyword argument 'capture_output'"}"